Inner Peace Movement spiritual discovery groups offer you an opportunity to connect with like-minded people, share in a safe and loving environment and grow spiritually without dogma or theology.
Inner Peace Movement group work was created from the work of Dr. Francisco Coll. Dr. Coll saw that when people met on a consistent basis to practice spiritual techniques and shared their experiences; they became much more relaxed and stronger than those that were inconsistent in their practice.
IPM Groups began meeting in 1964. Now, nearly 50 years later, the IPM spiritual discovery group curriculum is just as powerful, effective and relevant. IPM Groups are formed in the community as soon as there are 5 to 8 people who express the desire to meet and grow. These groups are for people who are serious about their spiritual growth, and are willing to make a commitment to meet regularly.
As soon as you make the decision that you are willing to set aside 2 hrs a week to commit to your spiritual growth and expansion, all you need to do is show up at the meetings. Your growth and self-understanding will naturally expand each week as you meditate, share and experience the techniques laid out in the group manual. You will get exactly the insights, a-ha moments & awareness that you need. You don’t have to try. Your team of spiritual helpers are working with you all week to help set up the perfect group work experience that moves you forward with your unique life purpose.
Within the group meeting, there is no judging, interrupting or cross talk. This creates safe learning environment based on mutual respect and acceptance. You will feel connected and free, because you tap into your true feelings and experience the Real You - a free soul, who is one with all things.
Each weekly meeting becomes your watering hole of Spirit; your place to get renewed and get your spiritual batteries recharged for the week to come. As a result, you will be more relaxed, happy and fulfilled in your every day experience of life.
In each meeting you will experience techniques that awaken your four psychic perceptions of Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Prophecy and Healing. The techniques are what make IPM group work so special, unique and tremendously effective. You will not just read and study, but actually experience and practice your spiritual abilities. You will learn to trust your inner guidance, communicate with your spiritual helpers and discover your life purpose. You will learn through doing and experiencing. These are things that you simply can’t do by reading a book.
Here are some people around the world, just like you, who have benefited from IPM group work:
I enjoyed facilitating the IPM groups, because it was fun to watch people remember who they are and what they can do. Almost each person in my groups has changed their life dramatically in at least one aspect and is a happy soul. This is the most rewarding result of my IPM experience. As a participant remembering who I am and what I can do gave me hope and renewed confidence during a challenging time in my life.
Taris Jordania, Oakton, VA
Our meetings are going really well, we are learning a lot and have a really great group dynamic going. The meetings are so great and helpful for working on our gifts, I love practicing the techniques with the group!
Lorena Capella, London, United Kingdom
I have to say that this journey has opened up so many amazing doors for me. I am well connected to my Angels/guidance and my life has changed dramatically. There is a lot less worry and so many wonderful miracles. I have taken a lot of other spiritual courses and have quite a few other spiritual processes and this has been the most opening and undertstanding for me. The group work has been amazing in the fact that it is a step by step process of awakening. And the people that I have met are people that I call family. IPM work and working is just wonderful!!!
Stephanie Bohanon, Richmond, VA
I have made many positive changes in my life as a result of participating in IPM groups. I found that the group work always encouraged me to trust and believe in myself and because of this, my life became much easier and more enjoyable. For me what is unique about the IPM groupwork is that it allows people to learn from each other and from the course material but, at the same time, gives space for people to share the wisdom that they already have. I will continue with the group work because I always learn something new, have fun and leave the group feeling empowered.
Rosie Holroyd, London, UKHere’s what you’ll experience in your IPM Group Meetings:
- Balance your inner thoughts and feelings
- Discern negative and positive energy
- Become more confident in your daily experience of life
- Help you find meaning and purpose in life
- Have a closer communication with your angels/inner guidance
- Develop and trust your four gifts of Intuition, Vision, Prophecy and Feeling
- Discover inklings of who you are, what is your life purpose
- Grow your sensitivity to be more aware and discerning
- Unfold your psychic ability
So you’re ready to get started? You have 2 choices of Group Work Curriculums that you can start with. Both of these Group Work Facets are extremely powerful, but the Foundations of Spiritual Development moves at a slightly faster pace for people who are ready to go deep quickly.
New Spiritual Horizons group work consists of twelve 2-hour group meetings. This groupwork will help you heal yourself from within. You’ll experience healing and intuitive development techniques that bring out the inner wisdom and psychic abilities much more strongly so you can trust yourself more in your daily life. As a result you’ll be guided by your intuition on a daily basis and have a close connection with your inner guidance/angels.
In the US each group meeting is $10 which you invest each week you attend.
Foundations of Spiritual Development group work consists of eight x 2 hr group meetings, and two 6 hr courses; Expansion into Soul Consciousness and Directing Life Energy Behind my Goals.
The 2 hr group meetings provide the foundation for you to build your self-respect, acceptance and confidence within yourself. You’ll learn to be your authentic self, free from the pressures of others or society. You’ll become the leader of yourself, authentically living your life purpose and being of service to others.
Expansion into Soul Consciousness helps you feel that you are one with all things, and understand the spiritual truths of your life. You areĀ a soul with a body, living on Planet Earth but part of the universal consciousness. You’ll gain inklings of your purpose and understand why you are here on Planet Earth and what you’ve come to accomplish.
Directing Life Energy Behind My Goals gives you the tools to create the life of your dreams. Goal-setting moves from a mundane experience to a tool for manifesting, creativity and abundance. You’ll truly tap the laws of the universe and learn to be in the right place at the right time to accomplish your heart’s desires.
In the US each group meeting is $10, and the courses are $65 and $70 respectively.
Ready to get started?
Get your friends and family together who would like to be involved in IPM group work in your community. Click the button below to contact an IPM representative to learn more about connecting with like-minded people who are forming groups near you.
A group can form anywhere there are sincere people who want to learn and grow in an environment of mutual respect.
Contact us to find out more!