IPM Workshops

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What People
are Saying

Great experience with psychic abilities that we have, but never thought of it using, nor knew I could use it, in my daily life. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.
Kishor Masters, London,UK

The event far exceeded my expectations, especially for the nominal fee. I will definitely be attending more events. Extremely informative and interesting! All the attendees were so kind as well"
Antoinette DiVittorio, Alexandria, VA

The program is journey of discovery. During each step, I encounter a new discovery and tool to support me on my life path. If you are looking for answers, this is a wonderful way to get started. IPM Leaders are highly-skilled, fun, practical and trustworthy.
Geanine Thompson, New York, NY

Expand your Intuition, Connection with Your Inner Guidance and Understand Your Life Purpose


Step Two in your spiritual adventure into your inner universe.

In this Exploring Inner Dynamics Workshop you will experience the Real You; a soul with a unique purpose and talents. Understand why you are here on Planet Earth. Experience powerful techniques to send and receive psychic messages instantly, feel what it’s like to be one with all things and give & receive healing energy.

Learn to raise your personal energy vibration to a super-high frequency. Practice this technique often to always feel calm, relaxed and close to your angels in any situation.

You will be invited to accelerate your spiritual growth, share and connect with like-minded people as part of weekly community practice sessions.

See the Events pages for workshop locations